events 5VIE Design Week 2024 "Unlimited Design Orchestra" territory


15.04.2024 - 21.04.2024

Laboratorio Paravicini

presents: IN-WEAVE

You are here: Laboratorio Paravicini

Art+Design Experience

5vie event

physical event


Laboratorio Paravicini

Via Nerino, 8

Laboratorio Paravicini

meet the _design studio

Laboratorio Paravicini


1 events


Inwave is a new collection of plates which blends together shapes, colors, and volumes. Through the art installation of the great Mary Lennox, the themes of weaves and knots will be conveyed through large braids of natural fibers and botanical materials. Along with with the new collection of plates hanging on our workshop walls, these particular sculptures will be the main characters of our courtyard during design week.These themes of weaves and knots, and of ties and connections, will therefore be made tangible in a colorful and contemporary scene.


In the dense fabric of life, ties assume a major role, weaving the fabric of our experiences and relationships with an art that is as ancient as it is essential: the knot. As skilled craftsmen of destiny, we learn to weave knots and entanglements that go beyond mere physicality, carrying with them deep and symbolic meanings. Laboratorio Paravicini presents LEGAMI / INWEAVE; a series of art plates related to the themes of INTERLACE and KNOTS, with a contemporary design and in different bright color variations. The installation will be curated by the great Mary Lennox, who will transform our workshop spaces and courtyard into an imaginary place where the plates will find their space as sculptures and act as protagonists. Entirely hand crafted, white thin earthenware plates are hand thrown on wheel and hand decorated one by one - 100% artisanal manufacture.