Statute of the Association Networking Milano Giovani


TITLE l: General Provisions Art. 1. - It is constituted with registered office in Milan, via Montebello 24, a youth association called "Networking Milano Giovani".

Art.2. - The Association is a permanent center of associative life with a voluntary character and does not pursue profit purposes; it is non-partisan and non-denominational and has a democratic structure.

Art. 3. - The duration of the association is indefinite.

Art.4.- The Association "Networking Milano Giovani" pursues the following purposes:

- To promote the diffusion of youth culture.

- To promote activities to encourage forms of solidarity culture, stimulating forms of participation and active citizenship.

- To support organizations in their communication activities, collection and dissemination of initiatives through various tools.

- Propose itself as a place of aggregation and meeting in the name of cultural interests, fulfilling the social function of maturation and human and civil growth, through the ideal of permanent education.

- Promote conferences and meetings aimed at improving the quality of life of young people, through round tables, studies, publications and computer tools.

- To provide refresher courses aimed at developing and growing the talent of young people.

- To promote meetings between young people and public and private organizations.