events 5VIE Design Week 2023 territory


17.04.2023 - 23.04.2023

Markus Benesch per Curious Boy

presents: Alpine Rising

You are here: SIAM 1838


5vie event

physical event


SIAM 1838

Via Santa Marta, 18

In this year's exhibition, Markus Benesch transports the visitor into the fantastic and surreal world of high mountains. Through furniture, objects and space, Markus Benesch tells a story in which needs are explored - in an intuitive and playful way - the desires and difficulties of today's digital society.

In the high mountains you meet yourself, the Tuntschi and the longing for return to a world that creates space for what is essential - through the scaling, structure, austerity and colors. Markus Benesch's reflections therefore start from the concept of 'Tuntschi', a personal concept that embodies isolation, inner joy and analog pleasures. It represents the alpine lifestyle of ours imagination and reflects our need for simplicity. It is about being detached from the world, about creating and appreciating the beauty, reducing everything to the essentials to foster creativity in a spacious environment.

This is where Alpine Rising comes in, embodying the essence of furniture rural by combining functionality and visual appeal. The collection blends elements traditional log cabin furniture with Markus' unique visual language, giving life to contemporary and symbolically significant furnishings. Alpine Rising features bold colors and decorative details, creating furniture joyful with an individual and daring character. 

The collection wants to encourage an analog lifestyle, as a response to the negative effects of digitization on our mental health. Alpine Rising promotes a balance between the digital and analog world, creating a harmonious and inviting space that helps reconnecting with nature and yourself.