events 5VIE D'N'A 2021 digital


12.04.2021 - 18.04.2021

The Art Flower Maker

presents: Swirls Unique Pieces


5vie event

digital event

Flowers tell stories. Our stories. Perfect beauty is unattainable, but the nuanced beauty of flowers offers us intriguing perspectives. Plants have the power of movement. Over time, we can see how harmony is created through these unpredictable twists and turns. Natural beauty is generated by curves, bending lines, spirals and knots.

Flowers, like the trees, the ocean and the mountains, reflect aspects of who we are – our strength and our vulnerability, our intensity and our whimsy, our firmness and our flexibility. The Art Flower Maker explores these aspects of the natural world and of human nature through combinations of color, lines and shapes, in ways that both surprise and delight us.

The artistic eye of Art Flower Maker combined with Italian artisanal metalwork has brought to life these unique pieces which can serve as a focal point in a private domestic space as well as have tremendous visual impact in a grander setting.