events 5VIE Design Week 2023 territory


17.04.2023 - 23.04.2023

Krazy Art Gallery

presents: Grey Shadows: Rue Battaglia crosses Avenue de Maupassant

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physical event


Krazy Art Gallery

Via San Maurilio, 16

We are a new and unconventional gallery, a dynamic space, a place that the Masters of Comic Art and Illustration can call home, their artwork are the core of our activity. Represented artists, exhibitions, events, performances, are all part of our broad and rich cultural program. Krazy Art Gallery was born with the desire and purpose of becoming a point of reference for collectors and enthusiasts of the world of comics and illustration, creating a context in which they can create or expand their collection, and where they can meet artists: masters of the past and protagonists of the future.

After the inauguration, last December 17, with the exhibition Da Malamocco alla Malesia: Il Sandokan di Hugo Pratt, the gallery restarts on Saturday March 11 with the second exhibition, in the year in which the centenary of the death of Dino Battaglia occurs, opens Ombre Grigie: Rue Battaglia incrocia Avenue de Maupassant. Seven of the eight stories from the cycle created by the Venetian author will be exhibited, masterfully adapting some of the stories about the Franco-Prussian war by the French writer Guy de Maupassant. It is not the first time that Battaglia has used great literature to experiment and reinterpret tradition, he had already done so with Herman Melville's Moby Dick and later with some of the stories by the American writer Edgar Allan Poe.

Thus were born: Due amici, Saint Antoine, L’avventura di Walter Schnaffs, Un colpo di stato, Palla di sevo, Mamma Sauvage, La Signorina Fifì e Milon (the only story that will be visible in a binder but not exhibited due to the lack of some tables). Eight short stories, written for Linus magazine between '76 and '77, set during the Prussian occupation of France. Battaglia focuses on the historical setting and even more on the characterization of the characters who transcend the singularity of the situation, highlighting the different facets of human nature, surprising for better or for worse. In Mamma Sauvage one can admire how great a mother's love is and at the same time the hatred she can feel when injured, Palla di Sevo demonstrates what baseness human beings are capable of doing in order to achieve their own advantage, while Due Amici is an example of nobility and loyalty. 

Ombre Grigie offers the public the extraordinary opportunity to lead a journey of discovery of the "master of masters", as Hugo Pratt defined him, and of his revolutionary art, which blew up the rigid scheme of the table, making the grid explode, dissolving the balloons, giving the lettering a new look and new meaning, in an innovative dialogue between the white space, the use of solid black and the invention of gray as the color of the soul, giving life to supernatural atmospheres dominated by figures that emerge with shocking power. 

The opportunity to see seven stories of this cycle exhibited in Milan is unprecedented, and for the first time some of this precious material will be on the market, in this case Mamma Sauvage and Milon. Furthermore, all the plates of the The monster from the Thames, an episode of Inspector Coke originally left unfinished by Battaglia and completed by the artist who more than anyone has taken up the baton in the use of gray, Corrado Roi.

Curated by: Giulia Parodi & Michele Ulisse Lipparini

VERNISSAGE Saturday, March 11 from 6-9 p.m. for the occasion Entrance from 14 San Maurilio Street.
March 12-April 23 Free admission
TUE / FRI 11 A.M. - 6 P.M.
SAT / SUN 11 A.M. - 1 P.M. / 2 P.M. - 6 P.M.
Sunday, April 9, the exhibition will be closed