events 5VIE Design Week 2023 territory


17.04.2023 - 23.04.2023

Giovanni Hänninen Fotografia

presents: Landscape and Architecture

You are here: SIAM 1838


5vie event

physical event


SIAM 1838

Via Santa Marta, 18

Giovanni Hänninen’s studio, located in the wonderful eighteenth century SIAM building, presents its architecture and landscape works that range from theatres, monumental or abandoned buildings and grandiose natural landscapes.

Teatro Comunale di Adria - Adria (RO), 2020 da I teatri storici del Polesine
Arte Sella - Borgo Valsugana (TN), 2021 da AFTER/DOPO
Boccascena, Teatro alla Scala - Milano, 2018
Milan, Campione d’Italia - Milano, 2022 da FLUX - Human Trajectories in Architecture
Moschea di Kaolak - Senegal, 2017
Saint Louis - Senegal, 2018
Sinthian - Senegal, 2017
Slum Rehabilitation Program - Mumbai, 2018 da Layered Mumbai
Piazza Cordusio - Milano, 2020 da The Missing Piece
Hudson Yards - New York, 2018