events 5VIE Design Week 2022 territory


06.06.2022 - 12.06.2022

Agustina Bottoni, Marco Guazzini, Natalia Criado, NIVA Design


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5vie event

physical event



Via Lanzone, 11

Agustina Bottoni

meet the _designer

Agustina Bottoni


2 events

1 galleria

Marco Guazzini

meet the _designer

Marco Guazzini


1 events

Natalia Criado

meet the _designer

Natalia Criado


1 events

NIVA Design

meet the _design studio

NIVA Design


1 events

Coincidences or serendipities are those seemingly random events that give rise to unexpected situations.

Human history is studded with discoveries and events that originated from what we call "coincidences", which are understood as: the coincident, simultaneous and fortuitous occurrence of two or more different facts or circumstances. Many different inventions were made just like that! Think of the discovery of penicillin, the invention of the popsicle or dynamite.

Many different events resulting from unforeseen circumstances that perfectly coincided, and created something absolutely new. These fortuitous events occur in different spheres of our lives. Sometimes we "bump into" someone we have not seen in a long time, or maybe two or more elements come together to create a new compound. There are many endless examples and this equation also perfectly applies to the world of art and design, where either by mistake or precisely by "coincidence", a perfect form or an unexpected texture is created.

Let us not, however, give all the credit to chance; without the keen eye of men, combined with his intuition, ability to observe and intellectual abilities to develop an intuition, these coincidences would not give rise to all that ensues...

What we are presenting is an exhibition of design objects that found their initial spark in that "coincidence", and then were made following a vision: to create signature pieces, with the finest materials and best italian craftsmanship.

The four designers featured in this exhibition will exhibit objects made of 4 different materials: glass, metal, ceramics and Marwoolus® (a mix of marble dust, wool and bi-component binder.)

Calici Milanesi by Agustina Bottoni

ACCA vases by Marco Guazzini

  Mucura by Natali Criado

Lardo mirror by NIVA Design

Mortadella mirror by NIVA Design

Weisswurst mirror by NIVA Design

Colate vase by NIVA Design