events Gallerie Aperte 2018 territory


29.11.2018 - 29.11.2018

Natura, Gesto, Scultura - Shozo Michikawa

You are here: Officine Saffi


5vie event

physical event


Officine Saffi

Via Saffi, 7

Officine Saffi is pleased to present, from 14 November to 21 December 2018, an exhibition celebrating the 40th anniversary of Shozo Michikawa, one of the most globally recognised Japanese ceramic artists. The greatness of Michikawa's sculptural work lies in the concealment of his gesture, making it so empathetic to natural dynamics as to seem almost invisible. A rapid, clear and decisive gesture that in just a few moments makes explicit an age-old knowledge; a gesture animated by a rapidity of execution that is so lightning fast and precise at the same time, that it can only flow from an absolute technical mastery and ideational clarity.

TALK - ORE 17.45

"La scultura in ceramica tra Giappone e Europa" - a cura di Matteo Zauli