events Gallerie Aperte 2018 territory


29.11.2018 - 29.11.2018

Memorandum - Denis Riva

You are here: Gilda Contemporary Art


5vie event

physical event


Gilda Contemporary Art

Via San Maurilio, 14

Gilda Contemporary Art presents "Memorandum", a solo exhibition by Denis Riva curated by Cristina Gilda Artese and Alessandra Redaelli. The exhibition presents a series of recent works, representing a dreamlike and restless nature through paintings and mixed techniques obtained by mixing painting and collage and proceeding to a constant and infinite stratification of materials. The works are populated with flocks of birds, but above all the presence of the dog, man's companion, his first link with nature, but also a wolf, a pack, the symbol of a hostile nature, a capricious and sometimes cruel sovereign. Layering of materials, research, accumulation, transformation and lengthy processing of the work make his work a hymn to memory as wealth and to nature as the repository of all memory and all value.

TALK - ORE 20.00

"PARLARE NATURA" - a cura della gallerista Cristina Artese