You are here: Maura Coscia
5vie event
digital event
Maura Coscia
Piazza Sant'Ambrogio, 16

Love for art, emotion for color and a great fascination for beauty. Here are the meeting points for the collaboration between Maura Coscia and Monica Gorini, the Milanese artists who propose the dialogue between art and fashion in a series of contemporary and metropolitan visions. Color is the trait d'union between the two art forms, overcoming the conceptual rigidity in which one usually dictates the themes and the other the balance: formal, chromatic, compositional.
There is a dialogue between Monica's palette compositions and Maura's highly handcrafted products. The sculptures display nuances of water lilies, often interpreted in their essential element, the flower. The geometric pieces tell a succession of changing images like the petals that every atmospheric variation, the passage of a cloud, the reflection of the sky, always make different, iridescent. As well as the weave of the bag of curly velvet, velvet woven in the Venice of the eighteenth century with a fine manufacture, and for this reason said curly. It reminds us of the gesture that opens the flower, the grazing in its basic form, the petal, repeating its shapes, its wefts, its decorations. The object tells, within its narration through art, precisely that module its endless repetition with elegance, refinement and almost sensory references.
At the base of the works, a becoming sculpture, a product of design or high craftsmanship, there is not only visual refinement because the objects show a constant experimentation aimed at sensory and contamination between different artistic languages.
"Gorini's sculptures are landscapes that expand in the viewer's thought, proposing an idea of Nature as an element in continuous movement in its infinite flow. The naturalistic views are presented as Synthèse visuelle, visual synthesis of chromatic variations recomposed in a unicum armonicum". ( freely taken from the text written by Lorella Giudici as an introduction to Monica Gorini's essay book, Synthèse visuelle. To break down into frames the fleeting moment, soon to be published with Vanillaedizioni) the same unicum harmonicum to which the fashion designer tends when designing and composing, launching into fun perspectives outside the box that in recent years have led her to transform felts and velvets, silks and brocades into postwomen, trunks, shoulder bags, pochettes, unique artistic artifacts with their bright and palpable colors.