events 5VIE D'N'A 2020 digital


28.09.2020 - 30.11.2020


presents: Dory Chandelier

You are here: SIAM 1838


5vie event

digital event


SIAM 1838

Via Santa Marta, 18

The Dòry chandelier project was born from the continuous research of the expressive potential of processes now excluded from typical industrial production.

The structure of the piece is built from the elementary coupling of only two materials, glass and brass.

A bearing rod with the ends cut diagonally like a spear to which are attached two metal masses in the shape of a trapezoid, which like muscles, compress the mass of glass from opposite directions.

The composition plays with the idea of strength and lightness, returning an image that is dynamic and stable at the same time, like a lance that has just been thrown, suspended and immobile.

The light source is hidden inside the central barrel, but it reflects and bounces inside the glass spheres. And like a changing mirage it multiplies in repeated reflections following the movement of the observer.