events 5VIE D'N'A 2020 digital


28.09.2020 - 30.11.2020

Domitilla Biondi

presents: heARTbeat, Multiple Collective Work of Art

You are here: SIAM 1838


5vie event

digital event


SIAM 1838

Via Santa Marta, 18

What I desire to do, it to make people aware of the importance of feeling themselves as partecipative and consciously part of this collective work of Art which Life is.

And everything started with an heart beat, You know.

So everything will start as well from a beat that has the power to Open the Heart, naturally.

When Beauty is revealed, the Connection with Others and the Planet itself becomes so real and natural that You cannot feel Your Self as a separate Individual anymore, but You are finally reconnecting YourSelf to the Collective Intelligence that everything rules and Guides, as a Mother, as a Matrix, as Perfection.

This is the intention.

How Would I create this process?

Porcelain is a fragile material that everybody knows and trust for its preciousness.

Porcelain is the matter that we are going to link to the perception of how fragile is the separation between You and Your Heart, even if you cannot perceive it. When you are able to – somehow perceive this fragility, that you don’t want to face, inside of you, then the mechanism starts working differently.

During the Opening of the Art rituals, fragments of both porcelains and emotions are collected in the forms of pieces and videos… After this, they are used by me, the Artist, to produce a brand new three-dimensional sculpture (the Globe) and a video-collage (the Mosaic), which are both simply a different interfaces that show the same idea.

The result is something multi-cultural, multi-frequencies, multi-emotional Collective Art Process called HEARTBEAT, which stands for

One Love, Many beats, One Life: don’t waste it, please.

The project is open to run for several years (2018-20??).

You can decide to be (p)Art of it by contacting the Author and booking your individual session.