You are here: FUNKY TABLE
5vie event
digital event
Via Santa Marta, 19

(s.v. scarpetta): "collect the remaining sauce in the dish by passing a piece of bread stuck in the fork, or more commonly held between the fingers".
Slipper, a popular but also universal gesture, for some a sign of little class, for the wise a necessary ritual. It's a project that is born on a full stomach, at the end of a simple but tasty meal, so much so that you don't have time to photograph it, in the dish there are only a few tasty leftovers to make the slipper with. Six enameled metal dishes, six regional recipes of Italian popular culture, some of which are better known and others are still to be discovered.
Six graphic compositions, made by mixing stains of sauce, scans of food and experiments on gestures at the table, Scarpetta is a collection in continuous evolution, in which the object becomes the pretext to convey fantastic stories of our culinary tradition. The enameled dishes made of aluminum and covered with porcelain tell a story, that of the Italian popular cuisine, in which waste was avoided and we tried to use every leftover sideboard giving it a new dignity on the table. With this premise, the choice to use the Enamelware technique derives not only from its practicality and versatility but also from a familiar, casual and at the same time retro aesthetic that makes these iconic dishes universally appreciated.